Monday, March 7, 2016

Showcase: Serendipity Poses - Searching For Harmony

My Lovelies! Good Morning you beautiful, amazing people! How are you all today?
I wanted to talk to you guys about my weekend posts, or lack thereof lately! When I started my blog I knew I wanted to post however often was normal... but then I realized everyone posts whenever they feel like it. So I decided, you know what, I will stick with this and do it everyday. But I needed a day off, so I chose Sundays. But I realized that on Saturdays I am scrambling to get posts done and that does not show quality when its rushed. So, from now on I will be giving you guys a post Monday - Friday with  VERY rare exceptions. One of those exceptions will actually be happening this week. On Friday I will be traveling to Boston for a very important meeting that cannot be missed. So there will be no post that day as I will be leaving home very early and I don't know if I will be spending the night in the city. But it is my RL hunny's birthday weekend so I will be gone all weekend.
Anyways, do not fret! I will have beautiful posts for you up until Friday and they will start again on Monday!
Do you remember last week when I told you all I was now showcasing Serendipity poses? Here's another set! I thought this one would be great with some wings, especially the first one down below. I really enjoy the softness in these poses. The way they can all look a little different by changing the angle - that is something that this creator does really well with her poses. To me it looks like she really inspects each part of the body with her poses to make sure they all look right, and that is amazing. I mean I have gotten poses that still move or have body parts stuck in body parts, but never with Serendipity, these are truly quality poses and I'm not just saying that because I blog for her. You guys know I'm honest! Sometimes maybe too much!
Okay, so I'm at the Memento Mori sim again! When you arrive here, it asks you if you want to enable your media. Usually I would click yes because Chouchou - the band who the media plays is great and relaxing! However, it was turning the ground on full bright. So, keep that in mind if you decide to explore here. I would still recommend going here, it is amazing and the music is so hauntingly beautiful. This is a great place to relax or just chill.

Get The Look:

Hair: rezology- Sublime Siren
Bodysuit: The Secret Store - Lily Scalloped Bodysuit - Carbon
Wings: [Lemon's] - Wings rigged (inverted)
Shoes: - Macey Platforms - Charred


Pose: Serendipity - Searching for Harmony
Cage: Crooked Designs - Doll Bird Cage (no store found)
Feather: Chouchou sim ground effect (exclusive for the sim)
Sim: Chouchou
"I am giving up on making passes and
I am giving up on half empty glasses and
I am giving up on greener grasses
I am giving up"
-Ingrid Michaelson, Giving Up 

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