Saturday, August 20, 2016

Too Cute To Sleep!

Hello Lovelies!!!
Today I was going through some clothes and items from The Whimsical Event because my Mischief Managed character is starting a new year at school in a couple weeks and I just can't wait! So, I wanted to make her a few outfits that would be easy to change in and out of. But... I stumbled across this adorable ensemble and had to take a picture. Then I just had to edit it just a little and then I was going to share it and be done with it. It wasn't going to be a blog post. But, just before putting it on flickr, I decided you know what... its cute, its fun, it has new items, why not, right? Alright so the hair and the top are from The Whimsical Event, it is definitely worth checking out!
I don't really have any thing else to say as this is an impromptu post! 
Love you all!

Get The Look:

Hair: ::Bold & Beauty:: - Kelsey.
Head: SOMEMORE - SaeBom Mesh Head - RARE
Eyes: SOMEMORE - SaeBom Mesh Eyes - RARE pack
Body: Maitreya - Lara
Top: paper.arrow co. - gym.tee.gacha blue
Pants: paper.arrow co. - linen.trousers white
Slippers: REIGN. - Lamby Slippers - Aqua


Pose: an lar [poses] - The Ginger Series
Bed: Gracefully Wicked - Starlight Bed (Adult)
Screen: The Loft & ARIA - Winslow Screen
Books: .:revival:. - book pile 1
Candles: Apple Fall - Plaster Candles
Lamp: Kalopsia - Castle Lamp
House: dust bunny - lily cottage
Sim: Orchard Heights Family Community 

"Lying to myself I can make it on my own 
Making it alone is lonely 
Twisting and I'm turning
Oh I'm crashing and I'm burning 
So reach out your hand to me 
Come down 
Rescue my heart 
I'll drown 
Without you 
Come down"
- Liz Longley - Rescue My Heart

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Showcase: Serendipity - Bright Thoughts

Good morning Lovelies!
I know, I know, I haven't been posting much but you know how it is. Life gets hectic, work gets hectic, health gets hectic and suddenly all you want to do is nap all day!
Now, before I start talking about these poses which are just awesome, I do want to quickly mention this dress from TRS Designs. They aren't a very well known store and I don't know why! Check them out when you have time, you might be surprised at how much of a selection they have an how much of it really fits mesh bodies!  Plus most outfits are only 100L. And really... how can you not love a dress with anchors? But I will go in to my anchor obsession in another post!
Now, onto these poses. Oh my gosh. Serendipity, this creator just gets me. Every dang time! I've talked abut her so much, so many feels with her poses. I'm not just saying this because I blog her stuff... I really, honestly do love her poses. You guys know I tell you guys the scoop! If something isn't right, I'll tell you. I've lost a sponsor before because I keep it real! It something is on my blog, you know I will let you know the truth!
So lets talk about these poses. I honestly can not find anything bad about them. Serendipity is so good about making static poses static and making sure they fit all body types. I know the creator uses one of those adorable doll bodies most of the time and her poses look great with that, but they also work perfectly with my Maitreya body. Serendipity really gets right down into the bone structure of SL bodies to make sure the poses fit. Or at least it seems like she does!
Have you ever had a very negative person in your life? I have! I feel like these poses are kind of how you feel when you're trying to block out the negativity. Keep thinking bright thoughts! Don't let them get to you. I think a lot of people feel like they need to deal with a persons negativity because they are a friend or they care about someone. If they cared about you, they wouldn't dump all their negative energy on to you. You can be supportive without being a dumping ground.
Anyways, rant over! These poses come in a pack of three. I have a picture of all of them at the bottom and they are sold at the {Pose Lover} Event. Let me tell you, this round has an AWESOME selection! Serendipity is there almost every single round and I am always so excited to see what this creator comes up with!
Also, the {Pose Lover} Event runs from the 12th of August until the 28th, so you've still got time go there and find some goodies!

Get The Look:

Hair: +Spellbound+ - Wednesday
Head: LeLutka - Stella
Skin: Glam Affair -Estelle (Asia)
Body: Maitreya - Lara
Dress: TRS Designs - Ariel Dress - Navy Anchor
Shoes: REIGN. - Ribbon Heels (August Luxe Box)


Poses: Serendipity - Bright Thoughts
Birds: {anc} - forget. Swallow [skyblue]
Pillows: :Cheeky Pea: - Calhan Nest Squash A, :Cheeky Pea: - Calhan Nest Pillow B
Blanket: :Cheeky Pea: - Calhan Nest Blanket (Adult)
Rock: :Fanatik Architecture: - Rocks & Cliffs WALES Rock 1
Bench: .aisling. - Secret Meeting Bench
Bush: Mesh Plants - Bush - Light Green


"You’ve always loved the strange birds
Now I want to fly into your world
I want to be heard
My wounded wings still beating,
You’ve always loved the stranger inside…
Me, ugly pretty."
- Birdy, Strange Birds

Friday, August 5, 2016

Showcase: Flippant - Slipped

Hello Lovelies!
Flippant just came out with a cute strappy little slip dress and there are a few reasons why I am in love with it! First of all, I usually like to keep my love life private, but I will let you in on a little secret. Recently, I started dating someone on SL and he makes me so happy. A lot of times, we enjoy just laying together and cuddling at home. During this time I like to get comfortable and wear sleeping clothes or lounge wear. So a sweet little dress like this is just perfect. It's sexy but cute. Sensual but functional.
I'm wearing the fitted mesh size but it also comes in regular mesh sizes XXS-L. Also, although there is not a specific Maitreya or slink size, the fitted mesh size fits my Maitreya body perfectly. I love that!
Another awesome thing - because it is Flippant and the designer is awesome there is also a HUD with four colors. I will include that down below so you can see all the sweet colors.
So, here ya go... a cute little slip dress perfect for sleeping, cuddling or making breakfast! And it is just the right cut so if your kids wake up while your making breakfast in it, your not showing too much skin. But there is enough skin as well so that your hunny will want to bring you back to bed! 

Get The Look:

Hair: rezology - Butterfly 108
Head: CATWA - Dyana
Skin: Atelier Pepe - Anna - Light
Eyes: IKON - Hope Eyes - Dew
Body: Maitreya - Lara
Slip: Flippant - Slipped 


Pose: !bang - stand 554 (store closed)
Screen: Cheeky Pea - Weathered Okugai Supa Screen
Sim: 4 Seasons

"I drive on her streets
'Cause she's my companion
I walk through her hills
'Cause she knows who I am
She sees my good deeds
And she kisses me windy
I never worry
Now that is a lie"
- Red Hot Chili Peppers, Under The Bridge

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Underneath Your Clothes (LOTD 8/2/16)

Hello Lovelies!
Its been awhile since I have done a look of the day post so I figured, why not right? Even though technically this 'outfit' has no pants! I haven't been feeling very well in real life though so today is a no pants day for me there too!
When I started secondlife, way before mesh was even a thought and everyone used flexies and sculpties, whenever I wasn't feeling very great in real life I would wear these adorable little apple undies and a white tank top. I don't know why but I loved that outfit and it always made me feel a little better. 
For me, clothes have a way of doing that. Of giving you a sort of temporary high or even a low. They are the facade that I talked about in my last post. But it is a double edged sword. What we have to remember is that we are more then what we wear. 
I'd like to say that I'm an empathetic person. I've always had a way with feelings. Whenever anyone would talk I could feel what they were saying. Almost like you could hear what they weren't saying. I think it is a very good trait to have, but it can also become tiresome. Feeling everyone else's emotions all the time creates so many mixed emotions of your own. 
So... sometimes its good to just relax and have a no pants day!

On another note, most of what I'm wearing are gifts from the Gacha Garden, so check em out!


Get The Look:

Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] - Yoko hair-anime set (Gacha Garden Gift)
T-Shirt: .HalfMagic. - Whale of a Time (Gacha Garden Gift)
Underwear: - boy.briefs.gacha (m.lara) blue/white
Earrings: ERSCH - Carambola Earrings (Gacha Garden Gift)
Socks: "mignon." - little doll cafe. knee high socks (Epiphany Gift)
Head: SOMEMORE - SaeBom Mesh Head RARE
Eyes: SOMEMORE - SaeBom Eyes RARE Pack
Body: Maitreya - Lara 


Pose: !bang - stand 546
Sheep: Fawny - Dolly the Sheep - 4
Clothing Line: unKindness - Spring Cleaning Clothes Line White
Basket: unKindness - Spring Cleaning Clothes Basket
Grass: Skye - Wild Grass Type 6 olive
House: *ionic* - Sunshine Cottage RARE; *ionic* - Village house
Rocks: *HEXtraordinary* - Druids Temple Ruins
Sim Border: ~*GOD*~ Basic Terrain - Field
Sim: Four Seasons 

"Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And all the things I deserve
For being such a good girl honey"
- Shakira, Underneath Your Clothes